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All of our political, social and economic well-being is deeply tied to our land and sea. A safe environment provides us fresh air, clean drinking water, nutritious soils for growing our crops and medicine for healing us. Resilient habitats contribute to reducing the effects of climate change.


Our climate and biodiversity are in decline; more than 1,700 species and ecological systems are known to be at risk of extinction or endangered.


By rebuilding local communities with flora it should restore Australia's fragile and diverse habitats and biodiversity, helping to establish stable, sustainable environments where people and nature can thrive



Australian Flora

Australian Flora is an extremely important part of Australia. The lives and sense of cultural identity of Aboriginal Australians have been connected with the land, its nature, flora, and fauna for tens of thousands of years. Today, a relationship with the natural environment forms the identity of many Australians. Plants provide food and protection for the diverse wildlife in Australia, and create safe environments for people to live, work and play in. Over time, we have destroyed a large amount of our natural habitat – leaving more than 1,000 plant species at risk of extinction. It is critical that we seek to reverse this damage by replenishing biodiversity by planting a diverse mix of tens of thousands of trees, shrubs and grasses in Australian landscapes each year.


We aim to raise money of the National Botanic Garden donations. This donation inspires, informs and connects people with Australia’s flora. They help protect Australian's flora and educate the next generation to be environmentally aware.


Donate to the Australian National Botanic Gardens

To protect and keep Australian flora alive.

"Our national botanic garden… inspiring, informing and connecting people with Australia’s flora.

For decades, the Australian National Botanic Gardens has fostered cutting-edge scientific research, an understanding of Australian plants and their ecology, and a love of our native flora."

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Plants are our Future

Our Australian Flora Range has been inspired by the beauty and uniqueness of our native Australian flowers and plants.

Researching our designs made us realise the impact of climate change on Australian Plant life. Years of drought and the recent bushfires have taken a heavy toll. Across Australia, billions of trees, shrubs and other plant life were destroyed in the recent bushfires.


At Moonbie we believe we all have a responsibility to saving our piece of our planet. Our contribution is to support the Australian Botanical Gardens and the Australian Institute of Botanical Science, with a percentage of all sales going to support their critical research.

The team of experts at the Botanic Gardens are working on real solutions to help ensure our plant life can withstand a changing climate. Their  aim is to prevent the extinction of not only our plants, but the animals which rely on them, including you and me.

The newly established Australian Institute of Botanical Science will unite and elevate the vital science undertaken across the Botanic Gardens. Their aim is for the Institute to become one of the nation’s premier botanical research organisations, providing visionary leadership to advance the discovery, understanding and conservation of plants.

At the Australian Institute of Botanical Science, the team of experts are: 


  • Taking action to document diversity, build collections and share plant knowledge 

  • Assessing the ability of plants to adapt to a changing climate

  • Safeguarding at-risk plants to minimise the risk of extinction

  • Increasing the likelihood that plants can survive threats to biodiversity including a changing climate

  • Building more resilient ecosystems for future generations

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If you love our designs, why not grow them in your garden!

Growing  native  in your garden can help support native wildlife, providing food and a safe place to rear their young. As well as being perfect partners for birds and insects, they're also perfectly suited to our soil, climate and conditions, so often grow better.  And they are beautiful!



Yellow flowering gum


Pink flowering gum

We at Moonbie were astounded at the disastrous  impact of Plastics on our planet.

Here are some terrible facts

We at Moonbie were astounded at the disastrous  impact of Plastics on our planet.

Here are some terrible facts

By 2050 there will be more plastic  in the ocean than fish .  Already the oceans are filled with more than 165 tonnes of plastic pollution. That is 25 times heavier that the Great Pyramid of Giza!

Plastics are made from FINITE resources

Almost all plastic is derived from materials (like ethylene and propylene) made from fossil fuels (mostly oil and gas). The process of extracting and transporting those fuels, then manufacturing plastic creates millions of tonnes of  greenhouse gases

Globally, in this year alone, researchers estimate that the production and incineration of plastic will pump more than 850 million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By 2050, those emissions could rise to 2.8 billion tonnes.

A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled

If present trends continue, by 2050, there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in landfills. That amount is 35,000 times as heavy as the Empire State Building

We all need to work together to need to Global Plastic Crisis


Our small part is to produce a range of sustainable products, that will replace existing products that have a negative impact on the environment.


By purchasing our products, you can have all the benefits of plastic yet know that you are not contributing to plastic pollution of land fill.

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